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Current research projects

The members of FÖPS Berlin conduct research on a wide variety of topics in the field of police and security research. In addition to police research and data protection, the research institute’s broad portfolio includes prevention and evaluation research, police hazard prevention, and crisis and disaster management. In addition, the law of vehicle automation is a further subject area. In this context, federal and state ministries as well as foundations and other sponsors of research funding are funding sources for third-party research.

FAKE-ID – Video analysis by means of artificial intelligence

Deepfakes are image and video forgeries produced using artificial intelligence (AI). They are mainly used to spread (political) disinformation, but also to manipulate digital proofs of identity.

Police Accountability

The Police Accountability Project examines and compares existing external police complaint bodies and oversight mechanisms.

VIKING – Trusted Artificial Intelligence for Police Applications

To date, jurisprudential research on AI-based applications in policing has focused on individual application areas, particularly predictive policing and facial recognition.



Hintergrund des Forschungsvorhabens ist die Flüchtlingswelle in den Jahren 2015/2016. Diese stellte die Polizei und zuständigen Behörden vor neue Herausforderungen.


Sven Lueders
FOEPS Berlin, c/o Hochschule fuer Wirtschaft und Recht – FB 5
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60, 10315 Berlin, GERMANY
Phone: +49 30 30877 2991