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Deepfakes – Artificial Intelligence as an Element of Political Influence and the Perspective of an Authenticity Test

Our FAKE-ID project was represented with a presentation at the annual conference of the Forum Privatheit in September 2021. Now the corresponding anthology has been published by Nomos Verlag as an open access EBook, in which our contribution can be found, which was written in cooperation with our project partners from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU).

Images and videos are becoming increasingly important in political discourse. Political disinformation is also increasingly transported in the form of videographic content. Deepfakes are images, audios and videos generated or manipulated by artificial intelligence (AI) methods. This article examines the risks for political decision-making processes that deepfakes and their use for political disinformation can lead to in an interdisciplinary manner from the perspectives of law, political science and computer science. Based on this, the article presents approaches from the multidisciplinary research project FAKE-ID to explore AI-based deepfake detectors.

Anna Louban, Milan Tahraoui, Hartmut Aden, Jan Fährmann, Christian Krätzer and Jana Dittmann: “„Das Phänomen Deepfakes. Künstliche Intelligenz als Element politischer Einflussnahme und Perspektive einer Echtheitsprüfung““. In: Friedewald, Roßnagel, Heesen, Krämer & Lamla [eds.], Künstliche Intelligenz, Demokratie und Privatheit. Baden-Baden: Nomos, available at